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My Biggest Mistake in English Writing



Have you ever made a mistake that you wish you could take back? Well, I certainly have, and it happened when I wrote an English essay. In this article, I will share with you my biggest mistake in English writing, providing you with some background information to pique your interest.


It was during my sophomore year in high school when our English teacher assigned us a persuasive essay. The topic was whether or not schools should implement a dress code policy. As an avid supporter of individuality and freedom of expression, I decided to argue against the implementation of a dress code policy. Little did I know that this decision would lead me to commit a grave mistake in my English writing.

Misunderstanding the Prompt

In my fervor to express my opinion, I completely misunderstood the prompt. Instead of focusing on the reasons why a dress code policy should not be implemented, I ended up writing an essay defending the implementation of such a policy. This misunderstanding became evident when my teacher returned the graded essays, and I realized my error.

Weak Arguments

Another major mistake I made was presenting weak arguments to support my stance. Instead of conducting thorough research and providing solid evidence, I relied on personal anecdotes and general statements. My lack of preparation and hasty writing resulted in a weak and unconvincing essay.

Poor Organization

Organization plays a crucial role in any piece of writing, and unfortunately, I failed to organize my essay effectively. The flow of my arguments was disjointed, making it difficult for the reader to follow my train of thought. This lack of coherence further weakened the overall impact of my essay.

Grammatical Errors

As a non-native English speaker, I often struggle with grammar. In this particular essay, my grammatical errors were rampant, ranging from incorrect verb tenses to subject-verb agreement issues. These mistakes not only affected the clarity of my ideas but also undermined the credibility of my writing.

Lack of Counterarguments

A persuasive essay should address opposing viewpoints and provide counterarguments to strengthen the writer's stance. However,以遵纪守法为荣 I completely neglected this aspect in my essay. By failing to acknowledge and refute counterarguments, I left my essay vulnerable to criticism and weakened my overall argument.

Insufficient Evidence

One of the biggest mistakes I made was not providing enough evidence to support my claims. I relied heavily on personal opinions and failed to back them up with credible sources or statistics. This lack of evidence made my arguments appear baseless and undermined the persuasive power of my essay.

Inadequate Conclusion

A strong conclusion is essential to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Unfortunately, I failed to deliver a compelling conclusion that summarized my main points and left the reader with a thought-provoking final statement. This weak conclusion further diminished the impact of my essay.

Lack of Proofreading

Proofreading is crucial to identify and correct errors before submitting any piece of writing. However, in my haste to meet the deadline, I neglected to proofread my essay thoroughly. As a result, there were numerous spelling and punctuation mistakes that could have been easily avoided.

Failure to Seek Feedback

Another mistake I made was not seeking feedback from others before submitting my essay. By not seeking a second opinion, I missed out on valuable insights and suggestions that could have significantly improved the quality of my writing.


Perhaps the root cause of all these mistakes was my overconfidence. I assumed that my writing skills were sufficient to tackle any topic without putting in the necessary effort. This overconfidence led to complacency and a lack of attention to detail, ultimately resulting in a subpar essay.


Reflecting on my biggest mistake in English writing, I have learned valuable lessons about the importance of understanding the prompt, conducting thorough research, organizing ideas effectively, and seeking feedback. These mistakes have taught me that humility, diligence, and attention to detail are essential in producing a well-written and persuasive essay.



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